MAGISTRAT Bratislava - otvaranie dat

Samozrejme, ze nezapocitali. “Migracia spat” je novy projekt, ktory zacal potom, ako sa byvaly zamestanec MS dostal na magistrat a projekt spustil bez toho, aby vycislil naklady ci uspory, kedze to bolo “politicke rozhodnutie”. :slight_smile:

Chyba nebola ani tak LiMux-e ale v tom, ze IT&co. ako take funguje zle (Accenture robilo studiu, clanok cerpa zo studie):

However, neither LiMux nor LibreOffice were pinpointed as the source of these problems, with the consultants instead laying the blame on the fragmented nature of how IT is managed at Munich, with responsibility split between more than 20 separate organizations throughout the city.

Ale to uz odbacame od temy BA a Open Data. Toto by malo byt skor v chlieviku Open source - nech môže pomôcť každý ci mozno Úlohy pracovnej skupiny Open Source .