Red Flags: Informačný systém elektronickej fakturácie (IS EFA)

no kde zacat

najprv sa spytam radsej dopredu ( prosim nic nehladajte za touto otazkou je to len preto ze informacie, šumy a članky sa uz miesaju) @peter_k je teraz za stranu MIRRI alebo SD ?

teraz k projektu a SU

  • začal by som tým, že keď už dávajú ŠU na pripominekovanie tak by mohla aspoň splnať formálne a technické náležitosti , ktoré sa tu už raz stanovili (napr štandard popisu architektúry ktorý mi v SU chýba úplne)

  • ako je to s reformným zámerom s projektom EVS ? ak meníme koncept z B2G a G2G aj na B2B a B2C tak by bolo dobré mať výstupy z EVS projektu alebo niečo, lebo takto sme odignorovali všetky náležitosti, a podľa mňa toto už je reforma ak sa to týka aj B2B

  • zaujímave že architektúra je popísaná vágne ale v nákladoch už máme presný popis HW, ktorý budeme kupovať :D:D:D:D

  • takisto je zaujímavý popis autentifikácie a autorizácie, raz sa hovorí o autentifikácii cez IAM UPVS → asi teda technické účty pre všetky právnické osoby → už vidím ten CR na NASES :slight_smile:. Na inom mieste SU hovorí vydávaní certifikátov ako pre eKasu. By ma zaujímalo či tieto náklady na zmenu UPVS resp. certifikačnej autority FS SR (ktorú mimichodom nakupujú ako službu v závislosti od počtu vydaných certifikátov) sú kalkulované v nákladoch na projekt.

  • analytický komponent ? - FS SR má už tolko DWHciek a BI nástrojov že toto sa môže kludne vopchat do ktoréhokoľvek

  • takisto sa hovorí o ďalšej autentifikácii - systémom ako na PFS ( ten ktorý je v prevádzke len z dôvodu že už má X-tú výnimku na to že nieje v súlade s 305/2013 ?

  • Je zaujímave že sme spojili dva úplne rozdielne biznis prípady s úplne rozdielnymi oddôvodneniami a motiváciou a pravdepodobne aj z rosdielnymi požiadavkami do jedného projektu (B2G a G2G - legislativna povinnost elektronizacie fakturacie vo VO, B2B a B2C - boj proti podvodom DPH)

  • Neviem prečo ale z tohto projektu mám dojem, že sa takto robí len preto že treba urýchlene čerpať fondy a z pohladu boja proti danovým únikom mi úroveň prípravy pripadá ako v posledných dňoch v médiách dosť pretriasané projekty v utajenom režime takisto na podporu boja proti daňovým únikom :D:D:D

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ahoj, na strane SD…od noveho roka sa uz venujem len SD, nakolko som zobral poziciu vykonneho riaditela

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Podla mna to ma logiku a su jasne synergie. Ak uz dokazes posielat fakturu, ktora patri k VO tak to je rovnaka funkcionalita ako posielanie akejkolvek faktury.

A k biznis case :

  1. Boj proti podvodom. Priznam sa ze tiez celkom dobre nechapem ako to pomoze s podvodmi pri DPH, ale dobre chapem ako to pomoze s podvodmi pri dani z prijmu. Ale v zasade chapem ze to poskytuje ovela rychlejsiu informaciu o tom co sa deje a to je pri datovej analyze vyhoda.
  2. Ak bude mat kazdy uctovny program funkciu posielania faktury a zaroven bude mat spolahlivy autentifikacny mechanizmus, tak chyba uz len prijem takejto faktury druhou stranou a mame elekronicky obeh faktury aj v B2B. A to by bola skutocne dobra vec.

Nuz ano su to 2 podobne veci (moizno 3), ale rozne motivacie a rozne podfunkcie, nie je ot podla man ten isty projekt, ale urcite da sa urobit rozumne modularne a vyuzit jeden sposob zasielania/registracie faktury (aj ked nie kazdy chce presne tie iste data, ale zaklad je ten isty). Pri fakturacii voci Gov na zaklade VO, potrebujes komplet fakturu aj s prilohami a dobre je urobit vazbu na VO a fakturacne milniky (posielas Gov fakturu raz, prijatuz faktuuru nezaevidujes ak nebola odoslana a registrovana), Pri registracii faktury kvoli kontrole na daniach, nepotrebujes komplet fakturu, len udaje co vyzaduje zakon a posiela/overuje sa (odoslana a prijata), pri fakturacii B2B -opat BC je iny (tak troska kompilat oboch). Do toho este proichadzaju faktury cez hranicne, v ramci EU, mimo EU, potencialne vo vsetkych 3 kombinaciach. Ano dobre je rozmyslat a mat plan cieloveho riesenia, aby sa zrealizovali
svetky moznosti a nerobili tie iste veci 3x, urcit si priority a postup, ale urcite to vsetko nespojit do jedneho projektu a chciet vyriesit vsetko naraz, to opat nedopadne dobre.

Ano su to rozne biznis case, ale su dostatocne podobne na to aby sa dali riesit spolocne. A ci ich spojit ? To sa vratime k tomu ze dnesny projektovy cyklus je skoro 10 rocny. To co nespojis sa neurobi skor ako za dalsich 10 rokov. V idealnom svete by sa dalo robit inak, ale tu mame velmi jasne externe obmedzenia.

Ale inak mam silnu obavu ze sa neurobi ani prvy krok, casovo je to uz tak napnute ze to nepojde. A ostane to ako napad do dalsieho obdobia.

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Presna aj moj nazor, v OPII sa zrejem uz nezrealizuje takmer nic (maximalne nejake drobnosti), ten cas uz prehajdakali

  1. DIZ with NASES done.
  2. Next step is to estabilish infra connection, since probably the Einvoice will not run within Govnet.
  3. We have just found out that EN16931 is not publicly available. Insane. I understand EN16931 as kind of integral part of EU directives and Slovak laws, since you have to follow it in order to comply with law. And they do not give it to you available. This is direct opposite how I envision the states, EU,… should work. Look, we are doing open-source software based on EU norm which you have to buy. This is insane. Also whoever will implement invoicing software will have to buy it. I imagine freedom differently than EU and SR apparently.
  4. Would be great if gov institutions could buy Swagger UI as a service, since as of now we have to deploy it ourselves without expertise about the internals of the system. I guess it would be more efficient and cheaper.
  5. is deployed dev version
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Dalsi update:

  1. We designed new workflow foreign suppliers: Foreign supplier can create an invoice in UBL/D16B on its own or through our tools (form, validation, visualization without login). Will deliver it electronically but outside of our system to the gov institution. That customer institution will be responsible for inserting it to the system. This way we fulfill EU regulations to be able to receive e-invoices as well as our desire to collect and transparently provide all invoices to citizens.
  2. Form has restrictions for code lists, strings, numerical values and possibility to upload attachments.
  3. Visualization parses attachments from xml and recreates zip of attachment files. It sends it to UPVS mailbox as well as visualize it in Einvoice.
  4. Business terms and rules are being translated to Slovak.
  5. Thanks to @jsuchal for helping us with filling out the Infrastructure excel from NASES.


  1. Migrate to new version of GitHub - slovensko-digital/slovensko-sk-api: REST API na
  2. Create VPN and connect to UPVS fix
  3. Finish flow for foreign suppliers.
  4. Finish form flow.
  5. Implement form->xml after we receive the EN16931-3 norm.

What exactly does the word “receive” mean? Needed to buy it?

MFSR has to buy it, yes.

Weekly update:

  1. Foreign supplier workflow implemented.
  2. We have got a norm and have to implement it to the form now.
  3. We have got Business rules and Business terms translations, so broken business rules are now reported in Slovak as well.
  4. Migrated to slovensko-sk-api 2.0
  5. MIRRI enabled publishing docker packages, so we have docker registry now. Thank you @Martin_Bezek
  6. UPVS fix version created entities (FO, PO, OVM)
  7. Waiting on NASES for UPVS fix VPN. They wanted us to give them govnet IP addresses, but we are on private cloud. They are thinking what to do.
  8. New nifty streamlined flow: form → download/validation+visualization → submit
  9. registered
  10. UPVS fix certificates and SP metadata waiting on UPVS VPN
  11. validation always before visualization such that we do not produce crappy vizualizations
  12. There is not going to be list of allowed subject list (as we expected), since new info is that some business have to go through the system although they are not gov institutions. As well there are opinions that some G2B invoices should be there. Essentially, just law will set which invoices have to go through the system and which not. Requires more investigation.
  13. We asked what kind of messages should be invoices sent by through UPVS such that we have confirmation of delivery in our system. Waiting for an answer.

Čisto pre zaujímavosť , prečo to sem píšeš po anglicky?

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Couple of reasons:
For your information, whole project code, documentation,… is in English and each serious project/company does it like that in 21 century. Why?

  1. I wanted to learn myself how other countries tackle this problem. You can imagine, often materials are only in national language and that is how my investigation often ended. It caused problems to me, I do not want to cause problems to others.
  2. Would be great if anybody from any country who solves the same problem can chime in and discuss, since at least whole EU is implementing this.
  3. If I ask for advise from other people, they are often foreigners and if all the documentation in the project is not in English, I have to translate it all then.
  4. Whole this project is about interoperability between EU countries. Having common xml structure but different languages seems like contradictory directions.
  5. Who said that only Slovak people can work on this project in the future? Why can only Slovak companies/people work for government? If we are serious about squeezing the price of IT or any other services, increasing efficiency, we should allow real open market.
  6. What if our solution is such a great piece that other countries can copy it? Would be great if they can reuse what we build since it is open-source.

User journeys:

Breaking news: :slight_smile: )

  1. All flows implemented - domestic, foreign supplier, foreign customer
  2. Form basic frontend validations implemented - mandatory empty fields, default values
  3. Credit note implemented
  4. Additional filters implemented
  5. Message to upvs will probably be EGOV_DOCUMENT GeneralAgenda
  6. UPVS fix registered our TU certificate and SP metadata
  7. Implementing NAT - it is incredible. UPVS has different ip addresses for different endpoint. "Takto sa to nerobi do… :slight_smile: "
  8. NASES gave us non govnet range and set up VPN
  9. publishing docker images on github now

Try it out E-invoice
and let us know your experience

Weekly updates:

  1. Integration to UPVS fix successful.
  2. Split testing and production endpoint for sending invoices.
  3. Move preferred languages to request headers.
  4. Remove usage of multiform http request.
  5. Infer user flow and Invoice type from invoice itself instead of setting as parameter.
  6. Tried to integrate idsk design manual but that seems to be not supporting multilanguage and not supporting some modules we need. Trying to contact MIRRI to resolve these issues.
  7. Translations still not available
  8. Probably going to use CUD
  9. Trying to figure out whether using of UPVS substitutes is ok.
  10. New filters added

TODO this week:

  1. Add filters for seller and buyer ico, currency and issue date Add more filters · Issue #93 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub
  2. Add business terms to documentation
  3. Add possibility to save a partially filled form for a logged user.
  4. Stress tests - target rate 50000/h with various types and sizes, with and without attachments, valid and broken. Test will omit sending them to UPVS :slight_smile: Test will demonstrate also UI (paging, filtering)…

Weekly updates:

  1. “Dorucenka s fikciou” implemented. (Update notification PospID by samo98 · Pull Request #116 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)
  2. Login only with only delegation type 0 implemented. (Allow only substitution with delegation type 0 by filipmatusak · Pull Request #122 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)
  3. Design manual meeting with BRISK, they are very helpful. id-sk is included in a web-app already. Some simple components implemented by design manual.
  4. Translations ready.
  5. Business terms added to the documentation (Add business terms links by samo98 · Pull Request #118 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)
  6. Added max size limit for invoices. (Limit size of invoice by samo98 · Pull Request #117 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)
  7. Unification of the search in “my” a “public” invoices (Unify filters by samo98 · Pull Request #115 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)
  8. Added filtres by “issue date” and “upload date” (Issue date and upload time filters by filipmatusak · Pull Request #114 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub)

TODO next week:

  1. Change max size limit to 10MB
  2. Implement translations.
  3. Saving filled unsubmitted invoices feature.
  4. Load tests
  5. Fix a bug with logout of users with unsufficiet delegation type.
  6. Add login info for unsufficient delegation type on landing page for easier testing.
  7. Split ico filter to seller and buyer filters
  8. Add filtering by currency

Weekly update

  1. Load tests done: Load test - Dokumenty Google , Load tests by samo98 · Pull Request #129 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub - bottleneck is not a postgres db, but validation
  2. Formular drafts - possibility to save unfinished draft of the form Drafts backend by filipmatusak · Pull Request #131 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub partially done
  3. Max invoice size 10MB, settable from env var done - Limit invoice size by samo98 · Pull Request #128 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub
  4. Translations deployed - Invoice documentation translations by samo98 · Pull Request #125 · slovak-egov/einvoice · GitHub
  5. There is many invoices in the system now, you can see the behavior, for example paging, it did not slow down,…


  1. Finish drafts
  2. Filters: ico split, currency
  3. Logging out bug
  4. Add to landing page wrong delegation credentials
  5. Add number of invoices api and viz
  6. Write design doc

Try it out E-invoice
and let us know your experience

Everybody is invited to the public online tech/product discussion with creators of B2G EINVOICE system.
Friday 9.4.2021 from 8:00 to 9:00.

Do you have any questions?
What? Who? How? Why? When? How much?
Do you have suggestions, advice or complaints you want to share?
You know how to do it better? Please let us know and help us!

We prefer these topics:

  • open API a integration
  • authentication and authorization
  • security
  • tech stack and tech design
  • transparency and simplicity

But if we have spare time, we are happy to discuss anything and answer any question.

Our goal is to build the best possible system and would like to listen to you already during the creation process.

Main up-to-date sources of info:
tech design doc


Thank you so much to all attendees.

I was really surprised how many of you were interested and also it is awesome to mention that we had to discuss in English since we had an international audience. It also confirms that it makes sense that all our communication and documentation is in English.

I especially thank to all of you who asked any question or mentioned any suggestion since only the communication between system creators and the public is that drives it to produce better results.

See you in the next session.