eID a d.launcher na Apple M1 / Arm s big Sur

prosim vas,
slape to niekomu z vas na Apple M1 / Arm s Big Sur?
jedine co som nasiel k tomu je:
error 00:08:30.111717+0100 com.apple.ifdbundle Failed to load IFD bundle executable: 'file:///usr/local/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/' with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3585 "The bundle “CCIDCLASSDRIVER” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try installing a universal version of the bundle., NSFilePath=/usr/local/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libccid.dylib, NSBundlePath=/usr/local/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle, NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “CCIDCLASSDRIVER” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.}

rozmyslam, ci by nepomohla nejaka ina citacka co ma podporovany driver


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bit4id support, vyrobca citacky, mi odpisal a pomohlo:
In this case, you may delete the driver installation entries manually using the following procedure:

run the terminal application (which you can find by searching in Spotlight)

After opening the application in the window that appears, make a copy and paste of the command

cd /usr/local/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers (press enter)

Then insert the following command ls (press enter)

note: this command checks the list of files present in the path where it is currently located

You’ll find lines like that:

drwxr-xr-x 3 root Jul 4 2016 ifd-b4iccid.bundle - è il nome del file -
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root Jan 4 23:37 ifd-ccid.bundle -> /Library/bit4id/ccid/ifd-ccid.bundle - è il nome del file -

You must delete all files in this path. To delete, use the following command: sudo rm -rf followed by the file name to be deleted.

example: sudo rm -rf ifd-ccid.bundle (press enter)

Delete other entries if present using the same command followed by the file name to be deleted.

Once there are no more files to delete install the Bit4id driver: Driver 2.5 Mac OS

After installing the package and restarting the system, try the smartcard reader again.

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Ahojte, podarilo sa nikomu spustiť d.launcher na macbooku s m1 ? Skúsil som aj vyššie uvedený komentár ale nič. Aplikácia sa vôbec nerozbehne (okno nevybehne ale ani žiaden error, nič).

Ďakujem pekne

jo, bezi mi to vsetko aj s podpisovanim na M1 big sur 11.4

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Ano, treba si updatnut driver na citacku pre M1

link tu: https://www.bit4id.com/cdn/it/ffa/drivermac/bit4id-drivers-2.5.dmg.zip

a samozrejme mat eID app na 3.6

Pre vsetkych ktori stale maju problem s detekciou citacky kariet na MacOS s procesorom M1 uvadzam kratky navod na odstranenie problemu:

  1. Nastartovat terminal: Stlacit klavesy ⌘c ommand + medzerník → do okna napisat terminal
  2. Do terminaloveho okna zadat prikaz na automaticke odstranenie driveru sposobujuceho problem:

sudo rm -r $(find /Library -name "ifd-ccid.bundle" 2>/dev/null && find /usr/local -name "ifd-ccid.bundle" 2>/dev/null)

  1. Nasledne restartujeme pocitac

Po restarte by problem mal byt vyrieseny.
Pricinou problemu je instalacia nevhodneho ovladaca urceneho pre MacOS s Intel procesorom.


Ďakujem, zachránil si mi tak hodinu života :slight_smile:

Nebyt slovensko.digital, nefunguje slovensko.sk 1/2 slovenska. ta druha polka ho nepouziva vobec. Dakujem

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OMG dakujem, zachranil si mi hodiny trapenia! Toto 100% fungovalo!

Ty kokos… Ďakujem! Funguje to však len pre čítačky Gemalto, však? Ja mám “CONNECT IT” a Mac mi to rozpozná, ale na Slovensko.sk sa už prihlasiť nedá.

Dakujem aj ja… Moj pripad (tipujem ze vacsina pripadov tuto vyssie) bol, ze som upgradol na M2 Mac z Intelackeho Macu - a tym padom sa prenieslo vsetko vratane driverov.

Toto by malo byt na pinnute na nastenke.
Uz rok sa snazim spojazdnit tu citacku na Macbooku, kupil som si 2 rozlicne citacky a neslo to. Hned to vyriesilo problem! :smiley:

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