Nezaradené správy zo zahraničia

Alebo sa skratka na to ludia mohli “vysrat”. Ved niektori to aj skusili, ostatni citaju noviny alebo maju “zarucene info od znamych”. A tak radsej “nestracaju cas a nervy” a idu do klientskeho centra. Tot moja teoria.

Tot aj toho casu pan premier podal danove priznanie radsej osobne:

Director of design for UK government.

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cc @ps-ux a @michalblazej


@jsuchal nevieš náhodou či už nejaké prvé lastovičky (a.k.a. pokus) service designu na úrovni štátnych služieb?

U nás? Viem, že platbu kartou a redesign schránok išiel trošku a ľuďmi čo do ux aj vidia ale, že by sa menili niekde procesy tak to som ešte nevidel

Zatiaľ prvé lastovičky robia pre banky a tel. operátorov. Sám som zvedavý, kedy niečo vytečie do verejného sektora. Niektoré služby by to súrne potrebovali.

Rok stare, ale dajme:

To engage citizens, European public sector organisation are turning to Discourse, an online discussion forum and mailing list solution that is available as open source software. Over the past months, Discourse was implemented by central government projects in France and Italy.

Spomina sa aj Slovensko.Digital.

Uvidime, ci sa k niecomu takemu prida povedzme ci :slight_smile:


Digital Transformation v Daňovej správe UK. Chlapík, ktorý tento model zaviedol, bol tento týždeň v BA
Inšpiratívne čítanie:

Australcania sa pochvalili, ze na rovnakej platforme postavenej na Drupale im bezi uz 200 statnych webov, dalsich 38 vo vyvoji celkovo od 77 roznych agentur.


dobry opis toho ako asi funguju aj IT dodavky v statnom sektore :slight_smile: a verim ze aj v sukromnom
vsetci sa tvaria ako narocne to posobi a potom z toho vznikne obstaravanie za desiatky tisic na niekolko databazovych dotazov :slight_smile:

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k téme Vendor lock-in:

Toto je k teme open data z UK>

K teme Finančná správa a Open API sa mi zda ako velmi trefne a strucne zdovodenenie tento tweet (vsimol som si ho, lebo ho Jano retweetol):

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GDS is understood to have spent at least £130m on Verify so far, most or all of which would be written off if the project folds. The IDPs are required to support existing Verify services for 12 months after their contracts end, but sources say further funding would be needed to pay the companies during that period. GDS has not announced any plans for a new procurement exercise to sign up new or additional IDPs.

IDPs are paid a fee for every Verify identity they assure, and renewal fees every year for existing users. Those charges were intended to reduce as the volume of Verify users grew, but adoption of the system has been poor.


" Other areas of government have also rejected Verify and are working on alternatives. HM Revenue & Customs is working on a new version of its existing Government Gateway, while NHS England is developing its own identity system, after saying Verify is not secure enough for the health service. The Scottish government is also pressing ahead with its own digital identity plans, with the aim of producing a prototype this year."

ach, to som už niekde videl…