Nezaradené správy zo zahraničia

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GovTech: California (…) A Senate committee has approved legislation that would require future state budgets be available in a downloadable spreadsheet format.

Stern’s bill would require the state’s annual budget be made available in a downloadable, spreadsheet format by July 1, 2019, and available on the Department of Finance website for at least 10 years. (…) The bill also requires the Department of Finance to develop a fiscal information system that will provide timely and uniform fiscal data, including online inquiry capacity and the ability to simulate budget expenditures and forecast revenues.

cc: @gla @hanecak #transparentnost-a-participacia

In Japan, you get a postcard in early spring from Kokuzeicho (Japan’s I.R.S.) that says how much you earned last year, how much tax you owed and how much was withheld. If you disagree, you go into the tax office to work it out. For nearly everybody, though, the numbers are correct, so you never have to file a return.
Intuit, the maker of the top-selling program TurboTax, has reportedly spent millions over the years to persuade members of Congress to “oppose I.R.S. government tax preparation.”

HackerNews trochu koriguje tú info o Japonsku, ale dáva aj iné príklady zo sveta.

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Council Fined by ICO Over Publication of Sensitive Personal
Data in Online Planning
The ICO issued a £150,000 fine to Basildon Borough Council for
publishing on its online planning portal a statement in support of a
householder’s planning application for proposed works in a green
belt. The statement contained sensitive personal data such as the
family’s disability requirements, including mental health issues,
the names of all the family members, their ages and the location of
their home. The ICO’s investigation found that the statement was
published without redacting any personal data on 16 July 2015 and
was only removed on 4 September 2015. An inexperienced council
officer had not noticed the sensitive information and no other officer
had checked the statement for personal data before publishing it.
The ICO found that Basildon Borough Council had breached the Data
Protection Act 1998 for failing to provide training and to put data
protection procedures in place. Ako miestny urad (~800 stanic) v 300K spanielskom meste presiel na ubuntu

Estónska prezidentka:

“When we regained independence, we were weak, but we received quite a lot of support and help, and also of course the opportunity to join the European Union was very strong support to help cement our presence in Europe,” Kaljulaid told reporters in a news conference outside her office.
“It is only 25 years since, and we feel that we have a lot to offer to Europe,” she continued. “It’s in a way payback time now.
Estonia likes to boast that the only things a citizen cannot do online are get married, get divorced, or sell their home.

Aj do takéhoto sa dá zapojiť. Deadline je 14.7.

Sme opäť pokrokovejší ako Estónsko, lebo u nás aj zlodej môže robiť sprísnené úkony elektronicky pomocou zaručeného podpisu.

V Estónsku jednoducho zlodej neprevedie nehnuteľnosť elektronicky.

Aj preto tie služby statu vyzerajú tak ako vyzerajú (aj keď sa obávam, že sú tu ešte aj iné faktory )

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UK zverejnilo Pay (platobnu infrastrukturu) ako opensource.

Mozno by to mohlo pomoct NASES s tym nestastnym platobnym modulom.

Bohužiaľ u nás sa to skomplikovalo systémom IS PEP / E-kolok, nie som si istý že ústredné orgány majú v tomto vôbec jasnú stratégiu riešenia, viď. napr.

One of the criteria is that all new source code is made open and published under an open source licence.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Nemecké voľby: Software to capture votes in upcoming national election is insecure

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"Piliermi nášho pokroku sa stalo niekoľko vecí. V prvom rade sme boli veľmi odvážni pri preberaní rizík. Museli sme tiež zmeniť spôsob myslenia, ale aj spôsob fungovania štátnych služieb.

Pre ne sme okrem toho začali budovať zdieľané platformy. Ak ktokoľvek potrebuje vládne služby, môže využiť jeden spoločný a jednoduchý spôsob. Samostatné služby nemuseli budovať tieto online súčasti samostatne, čím sa digitalizácia stala lacnejšou a efektívnejšou.

A nakoniec sme záležitosti bezpečnosti a súkromia nevideli ako bariéru. Bol to pre nás skôr priestor pre inovácie a technologická výzva."