Do we really want a single digital identity system to access government services?

Priznám sa, že túto averziu voči SSO v UK sledujem už dlho a vôbec jej nerozumiem.

Ja som si to precital. Akoze obavy maju z coho? Z velkeho brata?

“But someone, somewhere, needs to ask: do we really want to build a huge, centralised database that maps our personal identity verification data (potentially including passports, driving licence, credit ratings, mobile phone records, biometrics) onto the public services we’re using, such as taxes, benefits, DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks, pensions and more.”

Nemám prehľad, možno @lubor bude vedieť, ale okrem UK je nejaká veľká krajina v Európe čo nemá obdobu RFO alebo eid?

By using private sector identity providers, Verify was a “double-blind” system – those commercial providers wouldn’t know what government services their users were accessing, while the government departments wouldn’t have access to the personal data those users provided to validate their identity.

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